Sunday, July 18, 2010

Puttin U On: Yelawolf

Don't make me "Pop The Trunk".

Mixin' Up The Medicine

Santana's in the basement mixin up the medicine. Shouts to Yelawolf lol.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Deal or No Deal Tour Exclusive

Been following the Khalifa Man for a couple years now and I'm happy for him and his success, so I decided to bless yall with some inside footage off his last tour.. he's a funny ass nigga. Me & Wiz need to burn one lol.

UL Motion

I support anything local. Dope video, I didn't quite get it at first but that's because I'm a stoner and got lost in the music lol. Shouts to Ty Rendfrey.

Need To See

when this drop?

Classic Cudder

Cudi is the truth, I support anything he does. This is him before a deal, before anything. Dreams come true.

Guiness Moments: Brilliant!

This is why Kanye is my favorite ARTIST and Late Registration is my favorite album. All of the effort put into every aspect just makes the entire experience that much more dope. Watch Ye' at work behind the scenes on a performance around Late Registration time. Product, Performance, Perfection.